The first season of America's Best Dance Crew premiered on February 7, 2008. The season was hosted by Mario Lopez, featured Layla Kayleigh as the backstage correspondent, and was judged by rapper Lil...
The second season of America's Best Dance Crew premiered on June 19, 2008. The live auditions special took place on June 8, 2008. The season was hosted by Mario Lopez and featured Layla Kayleigh as th...
The third season of America's Best Dance Crew premiered on January 15, 2009. The season was hosted by Mario Lopez and featured Layla Kayleigh as the backstage correspondent. The judges included rapper...
The fourth season of America's Best Dance Crew premiered on August 9, 2009 and concluded on September 27, 2009. All three judges and host Mario Lopez and backstage correspondent Layla Kayleigh from th...
The fifth season of America's Best Dance Crew premiered on January 28, 2010 and concluded on April 8, 2010. Auditions were held in six cities from November 20 through December 12: Atlanta, Houston, De...
The sixth season of America's Best Dance Crew, also known as America's Best Dance Crew: Season of the Superstars, premiered on April 7, 2011 and concluded on June 5, 2011. Auditions were held in four...
Season 6, Episode 1
The seventh season of America's Best Dance Crew, also known as America's Best Dance Crew: Return of the Superstars, premiered on April 11, 2012 and concluded on June 13, 2012. Auditions were held in f...