Chrisley Knows Best is a real-life family comedy, which broke its ratings record on its second season premiere, follows the entertaining lives of Atlanta-based "Patriarch of Perfection" Todd Chrisley,...
Training Faye
Todd and Pony Show
A Date With Destiny
Biddy Battle
Painted Into A Corner
Hearts And Crafts
Top Dog
Celebrating a Chrisley Century
Panic At the Pageant
No Men for Old Country
Baking Up Is Hard to Do
Running Gout of Time
Ride or Die
Going for Broker
America's Next Todd Model
Say It Dont Spray It
Emotionally In-Vested
White Nannies Can't Jump
Restaurant Impossible
Spoiled Sports
The Perfect Equation
Lord of the Earrings
Diplomatic Immunity
Towing the Line
Pool's Out for Summer
The Big 50