Shotaro had become an Interpol agent, working with Branch Robo, the antirobot crime unit of that organization. He still employs Tetsujin.
The Plot to Steal the Sun
Hands of the Enemy
Deadly Doctor Doom
The Robot Birdman
The Phantom Robot
Monster of the Deep
The Crashing Satellite
The Dreaded Double Robot
Menace from Space
Bitter Revenge
The Invisible Enemy
The Robot Runners
Will the Real Gigantor Please Stand Up?
The Abominable Iceman
The Dragon Master
The Guardian of Evil
The Manta Marauders
The Pirate Submarine
Sting of the Scorpion
The Fearsome Pharoah
The Shrinking Ray
Kid Warriors
Red Devil
The Fiery Robosaurus
Invaders from Space
The Master of Space
The Great Garkonga
The Pritheum Plot
The Crusader Robot
Scheme to Scorch the West
The Doomsday Comet
The Thunder God
The Final Battle
The Robot Who Could Think
Blue Danger
Robot on a Rampage
The Awesome Alpha-Bot
Fall from the Sky
The Boy from Second Earth
The Black Hole
The Queen of Time
The Curse of Dracula
Z is for Zombie
The Ghastly Ghost
Skeemer's Demons
Trapped in the Past
Gigantor for Sale
The Space Fortress
The Friend Turned Enemy
The Battle to Save the Earth
The Sun That Never Shines