The second season of Australian drama television series Prisoner (commonly known as Prisoner: Cell Block H) premiered on Network Ten on 22 January 1980. It consists of 86 episodes and concluded on 12 November 1980. This season's storylines include the escape of Roslyn Coulson, aided by terrorist Janet Dominguez and the subsequent shooting of Erica Davidson; Lizzie's exoneration; the bomb explosion which causes the deaths of Jim Fletcher's family; Bea Smith's feud with new prisoner Kay White; Judy Bryant's planned revenge on corrupt officer Jock Stewart for the murder of her girlfriend Sharon Gilmour; the season finale tunnel escape collapse.
- Soap, Drama
- English
Cast & Crew
- Sheila Florance , Val Lehman , Colette Mann , Judith McGrath , Anne Phelan , Elspeth Ballantyne , Amanda Muggleton , Betty Bobbitt
- Reg Watson