The first season of the British-American animated comedy television series The Amazing World of Gumball originally aired from May 3, 2011 and March 13, 2012 on Cartoon Network. Consisting of 36 episod...
The second season of the British-American animated comedy series The Amazing World of Gumball originally aired from August 7, 2012 to December 3, 2013. Consisting of 40 episodes, the season premiered...
The third season of the British-American animated comedy series The Amazing World of Gumball premiered on June 5, 2014 in the United States and September 14, 2014 in the United Kingdom. The season wil...
The fourth season of the British-American animated comedy series The Amazing World of Gumball premiered on July 7, 2015 in the United States with the episode "The Return." It will consist of 40 eleven...
The sixth season was confirmed on June 22, 2016 on Ben Bocquelet's Twitter. Unlike the first five seasons will have 44 episodes. The premiere date of this season was January 5, 2018.
The Burger
The Assistant
The Distance
The Butts
The Thing
The Cheerleader
The Astrological
The Letter
The App
The Traffic
The Boring
The Portrait
The Cancellationgation
The Gut
The Repression
The Eagles
The Trumpet
The Speedrun
The Gourmet
The Climb
The Teacher
The Summoning
The Survivalists
The Homework
The Scooter
The Proposal