"'What a revoltin' development this is!""
The Riley's travel to Brooklyn to visit Chester's parents.
Junior's Secret
Riley in the Wild Blue Yonder
Riley and the Suggestion Contest
Destination Brooklyn
The Dog Watch
Babs and Junior Try Home Economics
The Duck Hunting Trip
Junior, the Chief Magistrate
Riley Buys a Statue
Riley Versus Numerology
Riley, the Friendly Neighbor
Riley's Wild Oats
Puppy Love
The Car Pool
Job Opening
Brotherly Love
Unwelcome Guests
Come Back, Little Junior
Riley Buys a Wrestler
Light-fingered Babs
Family Activities Planned
The Auction
A Bride for Otto
Sister Cissy Returns
Night Shift
Chicken Ranch
Up to the Jury
The Gymnasium
Singing Cowboy
Look Peg, I'm Dancing
Meet the Neighbor
Babs Gets Engaged
Babs Graduation from College
Brotherhood of the B.P.L.A.
The Blockade
The Diet
Out to Pasture
Top Secret
Riley Unites the Family
School Board Critic
The Stupid Cupid