Flavor of Love (season 1) is the first season of the VH1 reality television series Flavor of Love, in which Flavor Flav brings female contestants into his mansion to compete for his love. The first se...
Flavor of Love (season 2) is the second season of the VH1 reality television series entitled Flavor of Love, in which Flavor Flav brings female contestants into his mansion to compete for his love. Th...
Flavor of Love (season 3) is the third season of the VH1 reality television series entitled Flavor of Love, in which Flavor Flav brings female contestants into his mansion to compete for his love. The...
In Flav We Trust
Pimp My Gurney
Reindeer Games
Things That Go Bump On The Lip
The Lyin', The Witch, & The Wardrobe Malfunction
Dial 'M' for Mystery Pimp Caller
Halitosis Ohmyosis
A Night at the Hip-Hopera
Till Death Do Us Part
The Neverwed Game
When Flavorettes Attack
It's a Family Flav-Fair
Von Boyage
Clip Show
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