A legal suspense-drama based on high profile crimes that took place in the former Yugoslavia between 1955-1975. Each episode searches for both truth and motives from the perspective of the defense attorney who immerse themselves inside the mind, lives and relationships of each protagonist.
- Drama
- Serbian
Cast & Crew
- Nenad Jezdić , Tihomir Stanić , Aleksandar Tadić , Petar Ninić , Gordana Mitrović , Aleksandar Đurica , Aleksandar Stojković , Milivoje Obradović
- Gojko Despotović, Jelena Svetličić
- Gojko Despotović, Jelena Svetličić, Biljana Maksić, Gojko Despotović, Sanja Savić Milosavljević, Jelena Svetličić, Vladimir Mančić