"Mighty Jack" is the name of both a top-secret international peacekeeping organization's 11 agents, and the technologically advanced flying submarine "Mighty-Gō" they use to fight the plots of the ter...
The more comical sequel series, Fight! Mighty Jack (戦え!マイティジャック, Tatakae! Maiti Jakku),aired on the same network from July 6 to December 28, 1968, with a total of 26 half-hour episodes, eq...
Beat the Trap!
Blow Up MiniMini Island!
Leap into the Sea of Evil!
Take Back What Was Stolen!!
Chase After the Statue of Maria!!
Strike Hard with the Mighty-Go!
Just Try Coming At Us!
Go to Hell Laughing!
Beat the Evil Out of the Earth!
Solve the Mystery of the Disappeared Princess!!
Give the Half-Assed Bomb All You've Got!
Take Back Mighty-Go! (Part 1)
Take Back Mighty-Go! (Part 2)
Cross the Blazing Sea!
Charge the Hall of Corpses!
Protect the Client!
They got away! Go, catch them!
Beat the H-Bomb Dinosaur!!
Hold Off the Human Garden!
Expose the Space Ninja
Unmask the Spirits!
Raise the White Flag on Tokyo Tower
Mark the Lady Assassin!
Change Course to Happening Island!
Leap Toward the Sky of Hope! (Part 1)
Leap Toward the Sky of Hope! (Part 2)