Five lion robots and their pilots defend the planet Arus and the galaxy from evil King Zarkon.
Space Explorers Captured
Escape to Another Planet
A Ghost and Four Keys
The Missing Key
Princess Joins Up
The Right Arm of Voltron
The Lion Has New Claws
The Stolen Lion
A Pretty Spy
Secret of the White Lion
Bad Birthday Party
The Witch Gets a Facelift
Yurak Gets His Pink Slip
Give Me Your Princess
Bridge on the River Chozzerai
My Brother Is a Robeast
Zarkon Is Dying
The Buried Castle
Pidge's Home Planet
It'll Be a Cold Day
The Deadly Flowers
It Takes Real Lions
Raid of the Alien Mice
Short Run of the Centipede Express
The Invisible Robeast
The Green Medusa
Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Magnetic Attraction
The Sleeping Princess
The Sincerest Form of Flattery
A Transplant for Blue Lion
Attack of the Fierce Frogs
Lotor Traps Pidge
Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics
Lotor's Clone
Lotor's New Hit Man
Raid of the Red Berets
The Captive Comet
The Little Prince
There'll Be a Royal Wedding
The Sand People
Voltron Frees the Slaves
Voltron vs. Voltron
One Princess to Another
The Mighty Space Mouse
Summit Meeting
Return of Coran's Son
Coran's Son Runs Amuck
Zarkon Becomes a Robeast
Lotor, the King
Final Victory